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Decrypt e-mail in IMAP/POP3 inbox

Downloads last e-mail from IMAP or POP3 inbox and decrypts it, also checking its signature. It's assumed the e-mail is encrypted or signed with S/MIME.

You'll need to provide your private certificate to decrypt encrypted messages.

In some rare cases, you'll also need to provide additional certificate store of trusted certification authorities if they are missing in the system store. This may be required for checking signatures.

MailBee.NET License Key:
IMAP/POP3 Server Name:
User Account Name:
User Account Password:

Select your private certificate (.PFX or .P12 file) which to use for decryption.
Private Certificate:
PFX/P12 Password:

Select .P7B file with root certificates of CA's which issued certificates your incoming e-mails are signed with.
Needed if ASP.NET user does not have the corresponding Certification Authorities (CA's) in its system store.
CA Certificate Store (optional):    Learn more